Cultural Wedding Customs 2017-03-10T01:50:04+00:00
A few days leading up to the wedding there is a henna party. Traditionally, the wedding ceremony takes place at the bride’s house, with the family present. The “el debka”, a group dance is performed many times. Jordan almonds are a common sweet candy served or given as a favor.
Traditionally, the color red is very symbolic in the wedding. It is supposed to bring happiness, good fortune, and wealth. Not only does the bride wear red, but actually money gifts are sealed in red envelopes. The double happiness symbol is always found somewhere in the wedding reception so that both the bride and groom notice it. Lion dancers are also very common form of entertainment. Not every wedding date is lucky, so the couple is expected to choose a lucky date so it brings good fortune.
At the reception, during the opening of the lid ceremony, the bride and groom break a sake barrel with wooden mallets and pour nine cups of sake, for bride, groom, and parents to drink from, symbolizing the two families becoming united as one. Then the guests drink sake poured from the same barrel. The 1000 cranes symbolize good luck and one has enough patience to fold 1000 cranes then they will have patience in their marriage. The Kimono is the traditional Japanese outfit.
The Hanbok is the traditional outfit for men and women. On the wedding day, women wear colorful hanboks. Wild goose, given to bride’s family from the groom, symbolizes the promise to care for life because wild goose mate for life. Dates and chestnuts are often served and thrown at the bride and groom, a symbol of children.
There is a Lasso “Figure 8” during the ceremony. Each hole is placed over the bride and groom, and it is supposed to symbolize that the couple is together for eternity. The money dance occurs during the reception, where the men pay money to dance with the bride. This money is traditionally given to the bride and groom as they start a new life together. Mariachi bands are a usual entertainment at the reception.
Right before the ceremony the bride and groom sign a ketubah, the Jewish marriage contract. Once that is signed the groom places the veil over his brides face. After greeting her groom at the chuppah, many

brides walk circles around the groom. A chuppah is canopy open on all four sides to symbolize the home being open to guests. During the ceremony, two cups of wine are drank and the seven blessings called the sheva brachot are said.